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As you may know, January’s weather in Calgary can be breathtakingly beautiful and incredibly cold. Keeping your home warm and comfortable is a priority, and this is where Horizon Heating Ltd comes into play. We specialize in energy-efficient furnace solutions that not only keep your Calgary home cozy but also help you save on energy bills. 

Understanding the importance of efficient furnace maintenance in Calgary, especially during the harsh winter months, can significantly affect your home’s warmth and your wallet.

Why Energy-Efficient Furnaces Are Essential

In Calgary’s icy winters, a furnace isn’t just a luxury; it’s a necessity. However, older or poorly maintained furnaces can be energy hogs, leading to skyrocketing energy bills. On the other hand, energy-efficient furnaces consume less fuel while providing the same level of warmth. This efficiency is not only good for your pocket but also for the environment. 

By reducing energy consumption, you contribute to lower carbon emissions, which is crucial in our collective effort to combat climate change.

Regular Furnace Maintenance in Calgary: A Must-Do

Regular furnace maintenance is the key to ensuring your heating system’s efficiency and longevity. A well-maintained furnace runs more efficiently, uses less energy, and is less likely to break down during peak winter. 

Horizon Heating Ltd offers comprehensive furnace maintenance services in Calgary. Our expert technicians will inspect your furnace thoroughly, clean essential components, and make any necessary repairs. This preventive approach improves efficiency and ensures that small issues are addressed before they become big, costly problems.

Upgrading to a High-Efficiency Furnace

If your furnace is old or constantly needing repairs, consider an upgrade. Modern high-efficiency furnaces are designed to provide maximum warmth with minimum energy use. They come equipped with features like variable-speed blowers and smart thermostats that adjust heating output based on the needs of your home, further enhancing energy efficiency. 

Horizon Heating Ltd can help you choose the right furnace for your home, ensuring it’s properly installed for optimal performance.

Smart Thermostats: The Game-Changer

Pairing your furnace with a smart thermostat can lead to significant energy savings. Smart thermostats learn your heating preferences and schedule, adjusting the heat accordingly. They can also be controlled remotely via your smartphone, allowing you to turn down the heat when you’re not home and warm up your house before you return. 

This level of control and customization is not just convenient; it’s also a smart way to save on heating costs.

Stay Warm While Saving Money in Calgary this Winter

At Horizon Heating Ltd, we understand the importance of having a reliable and efficient heating system in your Calgary home. Our commitment to providing top-notch furnace maintenance in Calgary ensures that your home remains warm and energy-efficient all winter. Remember, regular maintenance, considering an upgrade to a high-efficiency furnace, and integrating smart thermostats are key steps in maximizing your furnace’s efficiency. 

Stay warm this winter while keeping your energy bills in check with Horizon Heating Ltd. Your comfort is our priority, and we’re here to ensure your furnace is ready for the Calgary winter.

Winter in Calgary can be a true test of endurance, not just for you but for your furnace as well. With temperatures dropping, ensuring that your heating system is in top shape is crucial. 

At Horizon Heating Ltd., we understand the importance of a reliable Calgary furnace during these frosty months. That’s why we’re here to offer expert advice to keep your home warm and cozy.

How to Keep Your Furnace in Calgary Alive in Winter

Here are some of the best methods our HVAC experts recommend to prolong the life of your furnace when you most need it.

1. Regular Furnace Checks:

The first step in maintaining your Calgary furnace is regular check-ups. Think of it like a health check for your heating system. These checks can catch small issues before they turn into big problems. 

It’s a good idea to schedule a professional inspection with Horizon Heating Ltd. at least once a year. Our trained technicians can ensure everything is running smoothly and efficiently.

2. Change Your Filters:

A simple yet often overlooked step is changing the furnace filters. Dirty filters make your furnace work harder, leading to higher energy bills and potentially shortening its lifespan. 

We recommend checking your filters every month during winter and replacing them if they’re dirty. This small task can make a significant difference in the performance of your Calgary furnace.

3. Keep Vents Clear:

Your furnace can only do its job if the warm air it produces can circulate properly. Ensure all your vents are free from obstructions like furniture, curtains, or rugs. This ensures efficient airflow and even heating throughout your home.

4. Smart Thermostat Upgrade:

Consider upgrading to a smart thermostat. These devices allow you to control your home’s temperature remotely and can learn your schedule to optimize heating. Not only does this make life more convenient, but it can also help save on energy costs. 

Horizon Heating Ltd. can help you choose and install the perfect smart thermostat for your Calgary home.

5. Be Aware of Unusual Noises or Smells:

Stay alert to any unusual noises or smells coming from your furnace. These can be signs of potential problems. If you notice anything unusual, don’t hesitate to call us. It’s always better to be safe than sorry regarding your furnace.

Stay Warm This Winter in Calgary with Horizon Heating Ltd.

Keeping your Calgary furnace in peak condition is key to a comfortable and warm winter. Following these simple tips ensures that your home remains a cozy haven during the cold months. Remember, regular maintenance not only enhances the efficiency of your furnace but also extends its lifespan, saving you money in the long run.

At Horizon Heating Ltd., we’re committed to providing top-notch service and expertise for all your furnace needs. Whether it’s routine maintenance, emergency repairs, or advice on upgrading your system, our team is here to help. Stay warm, Calgary!

Your air conditioning unit is a valuable asset, especially during scorching summer months when it provides comfort and relief from the heat. However, like any mechanical system, it craves consistent care and attention to ensure it performs at its best and enjoys a long and efficient lifespan. In this guide, we will embark on an enlightening journey, sharing invaluable tips to help you expand the lifespan of your unit. Moreover, we’ll underscore the paramount importance of enlisting the assistance of a reputable company for professional AC installation services in Calgary. So, let’s dive in and ensure your cooling companion stays by your side for years to come.

Invest in Professional Installation

When it comes to ensuring the longevity of your AC unit, it all begins with the AC installation process in Calgary. While it may be tempting to save a few dollars by attempting a DIY installation, this can often lead to costly mistakes down the line. Professional installation companies have the expertise and experience needed to properly size, install, and set up your AC unit to ensure it operates at peak efficiency. This extends its lifespan and prevents costly issues often arising from improper installation.

Regular Maintenance is Key

Air conditioner technician repairing central air conditioning system with outdoor tools

Just as your car requires regular tune-ups to run smoothly, your AC unit needs routine maintenance. Hiring a professional HVAC technician to conduct annual maintenance checks is essential. They can inspect, clean, and lubricate the various components of your AC system, ensuring it runs efficiently and identifying and addressing potential problems before they become major issues.

Change Air Filters Frequently

One of the simplest yet most effective ways to extend your AC unit’s lifespan is to change its air filters regularly. Clogged or dirty filters restrict airflow, forcing your system to work harder, which can lead to overheating and premature wear and tear. Consult your unit’s manual for filter replacement guidelines or follow a schedule your HVAC technician recommends.

Keep the Surrounding Area Clean

It is essential to clear any debris, leaves, or vegetation from around your outdoor AC unit. Ensure that there is at least a 2-foot clearance around the unit to allow for proper airflow. This prevents your unit from working harder to cool your home, reducing the strain on the system and extending its lifespan.

Use a Programmable Thermostat

Investing in a programmable thermostat can significantly extend your AC unit’s life. By setting your thermostat to adjust the temperature when you’re away from home or sleeping, you reduce the workload on your system, leading to less wear and tear.

Monitor Refrigerant Levels

Low refrigerant levels can affect the performance and lifespan of your AC unit. A professional HVAC technician can check and, if necessary, replenish the refrigerant. Additionally, they can inspect the system for any leaks that may be causing the refrigerant to escape.

Seal and Insulate Your Home

Proper insulation and sealing of your home’s doors and windows can reduce the strain on your AC unit. When your home is well-insulated and sealed, your AC doesn’t have to work as hard to maintain a comfortable temperature, leading to a longer lifespan for your unit.

Upgrade to Energy-Efficient Models

If your AC unit is getting old and less efficient, consider upgrading to a more energy-efficient model. Modern units are designed to be more environmentally friendly and cost-effective, offering better performance and a longer lifespan.

Address Issues Promptly

If you notice any unusual sounds, reduced cooling capacity, or other performance issues with your AC unit, don’t ignore them. Contact a professional HVAC technician promptly to diagnose and address the problem. Timely repairs can prevent minor issues from escalating into major and costly repairs.

Consider a Maintenance Plan

Many professional installation companies offer maintenance plans, providing regular check-ups and discounts on repairs. Investing in such a plan can help you stay proactive in maintaining your AC unit and ensure its longevity.


Your AC unit is a valuable investment in your home’s comfort, and its longevity is crucial for both your comfort and your budget. By following these tips and relying on the expertise of professional installation and maintenance services, you can extend the lifespan of your AC unit, enjoy efficient cooling, and stay cool and comfortable during the hottest months of the year. Don’t wait until a small issue becomes a big problem – take steps now to ensure your AC unit’s optimal performance and longevity by contacting your local AC installation company in Calgary today!

Since 1988, Horizon Heating Ltd. has been providing affordable indoor air quality services and AC installation to Calgary and surrounding area. With care and precision, we ensure that our products and services are reasonably priced and widely available. Our AC & Calgary furnace repair service is conducted by professional maintenance technicians, all qualified to provide AC installation, air conditioning repair, and furnace duct cleaning; this includes all models of duct, furnace, and air conditioning. By partnering with contractors and home builders, we expertly install new home HVAC systems, and work together with clients to create custom renovation solutions for all residential projects. Call us today at 403-274-0790.

Your furnace plays a crucial role in keeping your home warm and comfortable during the chilly months of the year. However, like any mechanical system, it can experience issues from time to time. The good news is that understanding common furnace issues and how to troubleshoot them can be your ticket to a hassle-free and budget-friendly winter. In this guide, we’ll dive into the world of your home’s heating system, shedding light on those everyday furnace problems many homeowners face. Our mission is simple: to provide you with clear, user-friendly troubleshooting tips that empower you to take control of your heating needs. It’s time to say goodbye to winter worries as we equip you with the knowledge to tackle furnace issues like a pro, and contact professional furnace repair experts in Calgary when necessary. 

Lack of Heat

Problem: Your furnace is running, but it’s not producing enough heat or any heat at all.

Troubleshooting Tips:

  • Check the thermostat settings: Make sure your thermostat is set to “heat” and the temperature is set higher than the current room temperature.
  • Replace or recharge the thermostat batteries: Weak or dead batteries can cause thermostat malfunctions.
  • Inspect the air filter: A clogged or dirty air filter can restrict airflow, leading to insufficient heating. Replace or clean the filter as needed.

Strange Noises

Problem: Your furnace is making unusual noises, such as banging, rattling, or squeaking.

Troubleshooting Tips:

  • Check for loose components: Inspect the furnace for loose screws, bolts, or panels that may be causing vibrations or rattling. Tighten or secure them as necessary.
  • Clean the blower motor: Dust and debris can accumulate on the blower motor, causing squeaking sounds. Gently clean it to eliminate the noise.
  • Lubricate moving parts: Apply lubricant to the furnace’s moving parts, such as the blower motor and bearings, to reduce friction-related noise.

Continuous Cycling On and Off

Problem: Your furnace turns on and off frequently without maintaining a consistent temperature.

Troubleshooting Tips:

  • Check the thermostat location: Ensure it is not exposed to drafts or direct sunlight, as this can cause it to register incorrect temperatures and lead to frequent cycling.
  • Replace or recalibrate the thermostat: If you suspect a thermostat issue, consider replacing it with a programmable thermostat or recalibrating the existing one.
  • Inspect the air filter: A dirty or clogged filter can cause the furnace to overheat and shut off prematurely. Clean or replace the filter to improve airflow.

Pilot Light Problems (For Older Furnaces)

Problem: If you have an older furnace with a pilot light, it may go out frequently or burn with a yellow or flickering flame.

Troubleshooting Tips:

  • Relight the pilot light: Follow the manufacturer’s instructions to relight the pilot light. If it keeps going out, it may indicate a more significant issue requiring professional attention.
  • Clean the pilot assembly: Dust and dirt can accumulate on the pilot assembly, affecting its performance. Gently clean it with a soft brush or compressed air.
  • Adjust the pilot flame: If the pilot flame appears yellow or uneven, adjust the flame using the pilot adjustment screw on the gas valve. It should burn with a steady blue flame.

Noisy Ductwork

Hands Changing Furnace Air Filter

Problem: You hear banging or popping noises coming from your ductwork when the furnace starts or stops.

Troubleshooting Tips:

  • Inspect and secure duct connections: Loose or disconnected ducts can create noise when the furnace operates. Check for loose connections and secure them with duct tape or metal fasteners.
  • Add insulation: Wrapping your ducts with insulation can reduce noise transmission and improve energy efficiency.
  • Consider professional ductwork inspection: If the noise persists, it may be a sign of ductwork issues that require a professional assessment.


While these troubleshooting tips can help you address common furnace problems, it’s important to remember that safety should always come first. If you encounter a problem you’re uncomfortable handling or if your furnace issues persist after troubleshooting, it’s best to seek professional furnace repair services in Calgary. Remember, regular maintenance can prevent many of these common problems from occurring in the first place. Additionally, a well-maintained furnace operates more efficiently, saving you money on energy bills and prolonging the lifespan of your heating system.

By staying proactive and knowledgeable about your furnace, you can ensure that your home remains warm and comfortable throughout the winter season, and you can possess the knowledge to address common issues promptly, minimizing disruptions to your daily life.

Since 1988, Horizon Heating Ltd. has been providing affordable indoor air quality services and AC installation to Calgary and surrounding area. With care and precision, we ensure that our products and services are reasonably priced and widely available. Our AC & Calgary furnace repair service is conducted by professional maintenance technicians, all qualified to provide AC installation, air conditioning repair, and furnace duct cleaning; this includes all models of duct, furnace, and air conditioning. By partnering with contractors and home builders, we expertly install new home HVAC systems, and work together with clients to create custom renovation solutions for all residential projects. Call us today at 403-274-0790.

A reliable air conditioning (AC) system is a must-have for beating the summer heat. But AC installation in Calgary involves more than just purchasing the equipment. Understanding what goes into a standard AC installation is essential for ensuring your system functions optimally, keeping your home cool and comfortable during those scorching summer days. Understand what constitutes a standard AC installation in Calgary, why it’s crucial, and what to expect during the process.

The Importance of Proper AC Installation in Calgary 

Proper AC installation is the foundation of a well-functioning cooling system. Here are some reasons why it’s crucial:

  1. Efficiency & Performance: A correctly installed AC unit operates efficiently, delivering optimal cooling performance. It keeps your home comfortable, reduces energy consumption, and lowers utility bills.
  2. Longevity: A well-installed AC system is less likely to experience breakdowns and premature wear and tear. As a result, it extends the lifespan of your unit, saving you money on repairs and replacements.
  3. Warranty Compliance: Many AC manufacturers require professional installation for warranty coverage. You risk voiding your warranty without proper installation, leaving you responsible for future repairs or replacements.
  4. Energy Savings: Proper installation ensures that your AC system uses energy efficiently, which is not only environmentally responsible but also results in significant cost savings over time.

Components of a Standard AC Installation in Calgary 

A standard AC installation typically includes the following components and steps:

Step #1: The Initial Assessment

The process begins with an assessment of your home’s cooling needs. A professional HVAC technician will evaluate factors such as the size of your space, insulation, and existing ductwork to determine the most suitable AC unit for your home.

Step #2: Unit Selection

The technician will recommend an AC unit that meets your cooling requirements based on the assessment. Factors like the unit’s size, energy efficiency, and compatibility with your home’s electrical system will be considered.

Step #3: Ductwork Inspection

If your home has existing ductwork, it will be inspected for leaks, damage, or inadequate sizing. Ductwork issues can affect airflow and cooling efficiency.

Step #4: Installation Planning

Once the AC unit is selected, a detailed installation plan is developed. This plan outlines the placement of the unit, ductwork modifications (if necessary), and any electrical work required.

Step #5: Installation Process

The installation begins with the placement of the AC unit, typically outside the home. The unit is securely mounted on a concrete pad, and the refrigerant lines, electrical connections, and ductwork are connected.

Step #6: Duct Sealing & Insulation

If there are ductwork issues, they are addressed during installation, which may involve sealing leaks, insulating ducts, or making necessary modifications to ensure proper airflow.

Step #7: Electrical Connection

The AC unit is connected to your home’s electrical system, ensuring it has the power needed to function. This step is crucial for safety and performance.

Step #8: Refrigerant Charge

The refrigerant lines are charged with the appropriate amount of refrigerant. Proper refrigerant levels are critical for efficient cooling.

Step #9: Testing & Calibration

The system is thoroughly tested once the installation is complete to ensure it operates correctly, which includes checking for proper airflow, temperature control, and system efficiency.

Step #10: Thermostat Installation

If your existing thermostat is outdated or incompatible with the new AC unit, a new thermostat may be installed for better control and energy savings.

DIY vs. Professional AC Installation in Calgary

While some homeowners may consider a DIY approach to AC installation to save money, it’s essential to understand the risks involved. Professional AC installation offers several advantages:

  1. Expertise: HVAC technicians have the knowledge and experience to assess your home’s specific cooling needs and install the AC unit correctly.
  2. Safety: Working with electricity and refrigerant can be dangerous without proper training. Professionals ensure safe installation and operation.
  3. Warranty Compliance: As mentioned earlier, many manufacturers require professional installation to maintain warranty coverage.
  4. Efficiency: Professional installation produces an efficient and well-calibrated system, delivering the best cooling performance.

Professional Standards For AC Installation in Calgary Matter

A standard AC installation is a comprehensive process that involves careful planning, professional expertise, and attention to detail. Proper installation ensures your AC unit operates efficiently, has a long lifespan, and complies with manufacturer warranties. If you’re considering AC installation in Calgary, working with a reputable HVAC company is advisable to ensure a seamless and successful installation. A well-installed AC system will keep your home cool and comfortable throughout the hot summer months, providing you with the comfort you deserve.

Since 1988, Horizon Heating Ltd. has been providing affordable indoor air quality services and AC installation to Calgary and surrounding area. With care and precision, we ensure that our products and services are reasonably priced and widely available. Our AC & Calgary furnace repair service is conducted by professional maintenance technicians, all qualified to provide AC installation, air conditioning repair, and furnace duct cleaning; this includes all models of duct, furnace, and air conditioning. By partnering with contractors and home builders, we expertly install new home HVAC systems, and work together with clients to create custom renovation solutions for all residential projects. Call us today at 403-274-0790.

Air conditioning in Calgary is a lifesaver during hot days, providing cool comfort when temperatures soar. However, like all appliances, AC units have a limited lifespan. Understanding when to replace your AC unit is crucial to ensure optimal performance, energy efficiency, and cost-effectiveness. Explore the factors determining an AC unit’s lifespan by learning to identify the signs it’s time for a replacement and the benefits of upgrading to a new, more efficient system.

Factors Affecting the Lifespan of Air Conditioning in Calgary

The lifespan of an air conditioning in Calgary depends on various factors, including:

  1. Quality of Installation: Proper installation by a certified technician can significantly impact an AC unit’s longevity. A well-installed system operates efficiently and experiences fewer issues.
  2. Brand & Model: The brand and model of your AC unit play a role in its lifespan. High-quality brands with reliable models tend to last longer.
  3. Maintenance & Care: Regular maintenance can extend the life of your AC unit, such as cleaning your filters and coils and checking refrigerant levels. Neglecting maintenance can lead to premature wear and tear.
  4. Usage & Climate: The frequency of AC use and the local climate are essential factors. AC units often work harder in Calgary’s hot summers, potentially shortening their lifespan.
  5. Proper Sizing: Ensuring your AC unit is correctly sized for your space prevents overworking and extends its life.

6 Signs It’s Time For AC Replacement

Knowing when to replace your AC unit can save you from costly repairs and improve your home’s comfort. Look out for these signs:

  1. Age: On average, an AC unit lasts about 15 to 20 years. If your system is approaching this age range, it’s a good time to consider a replacement.
  2. Frequent Repairs: If you frequently call for air conditioning repair in Calgary, the repair costs will eventually add up. Investing in a new AC unit may be more cost-effective.
  3. Decreased Efficiency: An inefficient AC unit can result in higher energy bills. If you notice a significant increase in energy costs, it’s time to evaluate your system’s efficiency.
  4. Inconsistent Cooling: Uneven cooling, hot spots, or inconsistent temperature control are signs of a struggling AC unit that may need replacement.
  5. Strange Noises or Odours: Unusual sounds, such as banging, rattling, or grinding, and unpleasant odours can indicate underlying issues that warrant replacement.
  6. Refrigerant Leaks: Refrigerant leaks not only affect cooling efficiency but can also harm the environment. If your AC unit has a refrigerant leak, it’s time to replace it with an eco-friendly alternative.

Benefits of Replacing Air Conditioning in Calgary 

Investing in a new AC unit offers several advantages:

  1. Improved Energy Efficiency: Newer AC units are designed to be more energy-efficient, resulting in lower energy bills and reduced environmental impact.
  2. Enhanced Comfort: Modern AC units offer better temperature control and humidity management, providing increased comfort in your home.
  3. Quieter Operation: New AC units are quieter, reducing disruptive noise levels in your home.
  4. Environmental Responsibility: Newer units use environmentally friendly refrigerants, reducing your carbon footprint.
  5. Warranty Coverage: A new AC unit typically comes with a manufacturer’s warranty, providing peace of mind and protection against unexpected repairs.
  6. Increased Home Value:  Upgrading your AC unit can enhance your home’s value and appeal to potential buyers if you decide to sell.

Tips for AC Replacement

When replacing your AC unit, consider the following tips:

  1. Consult a Professional: Work with a qualified HVAC technician to assess your cooling needs and recommend the right unit for your home.
  2. Choose the Right Size: Ensure your new AC unit is properly sized for your home. An oversized or undersized unit can lead to inefficiencies and comfort issues.
  3. Energy Efficiency: Select an AC unit with a high SEER (Seasonal Energy Efficiency Ratio) rating to maximize energy savings.
  4. Maintenance Plans: Enroll in a maintenance plan to ensure your new AC unit receives regular servicing to extend its lifespan.
  5. Proper Installation: Professional installation is crucial for your new AC unit’s efficient and reliable operation.

Keep Cool with Proper Replacement For Air Conditioning in Calgary 

A functioning AC unit is essential for maintaining comfort in your home during hot days. Knowing when to replace your AC unit and investing in a new, energy-efficient system can improve your home’s comfort, reduce energy costs, and minimize the need for costly repairs. If you’re experiencing any signs that your AC unit may need replacement, consult a trusted HVAC professional in Calgary to assess your needs and explore the best options for your home. Immediately replacing your AC unit ensures you’ll enjoy cool, efficient, and reliable cooling for years.

Since 1988, Horizon Heating Ltd. has been providing affordable indoor air quality services and AC installation to Calgary and surrounding area. With care and precision, we ensure that our products and services are reasonably priced and widely available. Our AC & Calgary furnace repair service is conducted by professional maintenance technicians, all qualified to provide AC installation, air conditioning repair, and furnace duct cleaning; this includes all models of duct, furnace, and air conditioning. By partnering with contractors and home builders, we expertly install new home HVAC systems, and work together with clients to create custom renovation solutions for all residential projects. Call us today at 403-274-0790.

As summer ends, so begins the shift to colder temperatures. This year’s winter forecast is expected to be quite frigid, so a reliable furnace is essential to every home. However, like all mechanical systems, furnaces have a finite lifespan and may require repairs or replacement at some point. Deciding whether to repair or replace your furnace can be a significant financial and practical decision. Whether you’re looking for furnace repair in Calgary to extend your system’s life or contemplating furnace replacement in Calgary to enjoy improved efficiency and comfort, this guide will help you make an informed decision.

Common Signs of Furnace Problems

Recognizing the early signs of furnace trouble is crucial to addressing issues promptly. Some common indicators include:

  • Insufficient Heating: If your furnace struggles to keep your home warm, even when set to a comfortable temperature, it may be time for attention.
  • Increased Energy Bills: A sudden spike in your energy bills without a corresponding increase in usage could signal an inefficient furnace.
  • Strange Noises: Unusual noises like banging, rattling, or squealing can indicate mechanical issues within the furnace.
  • Frequent Cycling: If your furnace turns on and off frequently, it may be due to a faulty thermostat or other internal problems.
  • Inconsistent Heating: Variations in temperature throughout your home can suggest ductwork issues or an aging furnace.

When Furnace Repair in Calgary is the Right Choice

In many cases, furnace issues can be resolved through repairs. Here are some scenarios where repair is a viable option:

  • Minor Issues: Repairs can be cost-effective if the problem is relatively minor, such as a faulty thermostat or worn-out belt.
  • Furnace Age: If your furnace is still relatively young (under 10 years old) and well-maintained, repairs can extend its lifespan.
  • Efficiency Improvement: Upgrading specific components, like the blower motor or ignitor, can enhance your furnace’s efficiency and performance.
A home high energy efficient furnace in a basement

When Furnace Replacement in Calgary Is Necessary

There are instances where furnace replacement is the more practical choice:

  • Advanced Age: If your furnace is over 15-20 years old, it may be less energy-efficient and more prone to breakdowns. Replacing it with a newer, high-efficiency model can save you money on energy bills and repairs.
  • Frequent Repairs: If you schedule repairs regularly, the cumulative cost may make furnace replacement a better investment in the long run.
  • Safety Concerns: If your furnace poses safety risks like carbon monoxide leaks, it must be replaced immediately to protect your family.
  • Improved Efficiency: Upgrading to a modern, energy-efficient furnace can significantly reduce heating costs and environmental impact.

Start By Weighing the Costs

When deciding between furnace repair and replacement, weighing the costs over the long term is essential. Consider the following:

  • Repair Costs: Calculate the total cost of repairs, including parts, labour, and any future repairs that may be necessary.
  • Operating Costs: Compare the energy efficiency of your current furnace with the potential savings of a new, more efficient model.
  • Financial Incentives: Research available rebates or incentives for upgrading to an energy-efficient furnace.

Consult a Professional 

Consult a professional for furnace repair or replacement in Calgary for expert advice tailored to your situation. They can assess your furnace, provide guidance on repair or replacement, and offer cost estimates to help you make an informed decision.

Seek Furnace Repair or Replacement in Calgary Before Winter Hits

Maintaining a functional and efficient furnace is essential for comfort and safety during the harsh winters ahead. Whether you opt for furnace repair in Calgary or furnace replacement in Calgary, the key is promptly acting when issues arise. Regular maintenance can help prolong your furnace’s life and prevent problems, but eventually, the decision may come down to repair or replacement. By considering factors like the age of your furnace, the extent of repairs needed, and long-term costs, you can choose to ensure a warm and comfortable home for years to come.

Since 1988, Horizon Heating Ltd. has been providing affordable indoor air quality services and AC installation to Calgary and surrounding area. With care and precision, we ensure that our products and services are reasonably priced and widely available. Our AC & Calgary furnace repair service is conducted by professional maintenance technicians, all qualified to provide AC installation, air conditioning repair, and furnace duct cleaning; this includes all models of duct, furnace, and air conditioning. By partnering with contractors and home builders, we expertly install new home HVAC systems, and work together with clients to create custom renovation solutions for all residential projects. Call us today at 403-274-0790.

The city’s climate is characterized by extreme temperature fluctuations, where heat warnings being in place make functional air conditioning in Calgary crucial for indoor comfort. However, you must pay attention to your central air ducts to ensure your air conditioner operates efficiently and delivers clean, cool air. Whether you’re looking to optimize your air conditioning system or need air conditioning repairs in Calgary, this guide has you covered.

Why Clean Your Central Air Ducts?

Clean air ducts ensure efficient air conditioning and a comfortable indoor environment. Here’s why it’s crucial:

  • Improved Indoor Air Quality: Dust, allergens, and pollutants accumulating in ducts can lead to poor indoor air quality. Clean ducts ensure the air you breathe is contaminant-free, reducing allergy symptoms and promoting better health.
  • Enhanced Energy Efficiency: Dirty ducts can obstruct airflow, causing your air conditioner to work harder to maintain the desired temperature. Clean ducts promote efficient airflow, reducing energy consumption and lowering utility bills.
  • Extended System Lifespan: A well-maintained HVAC system, including clean ducts, tends to last longer, saving you money on costly air conditioning repairs or replacements.

Signs Your Ducts Need Cleaning

It’s essential to recognize signs indicating that your central air ducts may need cleaning:

  1. Dust buildup around vents and registers
  2. Unpleasant odours, such as musty or mouldy smells
  3. Increased allergy symptoms when indoors
  4. Reduced airflow from vents
  5. Visible mold growth in or around ducts
  6. Inconsistent cooling in different parts of your home

DIY Central Air Duct Cleaning: What You Need

Before you begin cleaning your central air ducts yourself, gather the necessary tools and supplies:

  • Screwdriver
  • A vacuum cleaner with a long hose and brush attachment
  • Disposable dust masks
  • HEPA filter
  • Microfiber cloths
  • Cleaning brush or long-handled duster
  • Screwdriver
A view of an air conditioner condenser unit in the backyard of a home.

Air Conditioning in Calgary: Step-by-Step Cleaning Process

Here’s a step-by-step guide for cleaning your central air ducts on your own:

Step #1: Turn Off the Air Conditioning System

Ensure your air conditioning system is turned off to prevent the circulation of dust and debris during cleaning.

Step #2: Remove Vent Covers

Using a screwdriver, remove the vent covers from your ducts. These covers are typically held in place by screws.

Step #3: Clean the Vent Covers

Use a vacuum cleaner with a brush attachment to thoroughly clean the vent covers. Wipe them down with a microfiber cloth.

Step #4: Clean the Ducts

Insert the vacuum hose as far as it will go into the duct and gently move it around to dislodge dust and debris. Brush the inside of the duct with a cleaning brush or a long-handled duster. Repeat this process for all vents and ducts.

Step #5: Replace Vent Covers

Securely reattach the vent covers using the screws.

Step #6: Change the HVAC Filter

Install a new HEPA filter to capture any remaining particles in your HVAC system.

Safety Precautions

When cleaning your central air ducts, it’s essential to take safety precautions:

  • Wear a dust mask to protect against inhaling dust and debris.
  • Use caution when climbing ladders or reaching high vents.
  • Turn off the air conditioning system to prevent injury while cleaning.

Professional Duct Cleaning for Air Conditioning in Calgary Benefits

While DIY duct cleaning can be effective for routine maintenance, professional duct cleaning services offer several advantages:

  • Thorough Cleaning: Professionals use specialized equipment to reach deep into ducts and remove stubborn debris.
  • Improved Air Quality: Professional cleaning eliminates allergens, pollutants, and contaminants, enhancing indoor air quality.
  • Enhanced Efficiency: Expert cleaning promotes efficient airflow, reducing energy consumption.
  • Mould and Mildew Removal: Professionals can address mould and mildew issues, preventing health hazards.
  • Inspection and Repair: Professionals can identify and address duct damage, ensuring optimal system performance.

Maintaining Clean Air Ducts of Air Conditioning in Calgary

Air Conditioning in Calgary Needs Regular Filter Replacement 

To maintain clean air ducts and ensure your air conditioning system operates efficiently, replace your HVAC system’s filters regularly. A clean filter prevents dust and debris from entering the ducts and keeps your system running smoothly.

Home Maintenance Practices For Air Conditioning in Calgary

Incorporate the following practices into your home maintenance routine:

  • Regularly clean and dust your home to reduce the accumulation of debris.
  • Vacuum and mop floors and carpets frequently.
  • Keep windows and doors closed to prevent outdoor pollutants from entering your home.

Clean, central air ducts are essential for maintaining comfortable and efficient air conditioning in Calgary, where it’s necessary during the hot summer months. Whether you clean your ducts yourself or hire a professional air conditioning and duct cleaning service, regular duct maintenance should be a priority. If you ever need air conditioning repairs in Calgary, remember that a well-maintained duct system can help reduce the chances of system issues.

Since 1988, Horizon Heating Ltd. has been providing affordable indoor air quality services and AC installation to Calgary and surrounding area. With care and precision, we ensure that our products and services are reasonably priced and widely available. Our AC & Calgary furnace repair service is conducted by professional maintenance technicians, all qualified to provide AC installation, air conditioning repair, and furnace duct cleaning; this includes all models of duct, furnace, and air conditioning. By partnering with contractors and home builders, we expertly install new home HVAC systems, and work together with clients to create custom renovation solutions for all residential projects. Call us today at 403-274-0790.

Picture this: It’s a bitterly cold winter night, and just when you need it most, your furnace decides to call it quits. Frustration sets in as you wonder what steps to take next. Fear not! In this informative and engaging blog, we’ve got you covered with a comprehensive guide to furnace repairs in Calgary. From troubleshooting common issues to deciding when to call in the experts, we’ll navigate the chilly waters together, restoring warmth to your home and peace to your mind.

Troubleshooting Common Furnace Issues

Before calling for professional help, it’s worth troubleshooting some common furnace issues and repairs that you may be able to resolve yourself. Here are a few steps you can take:

  • Check the thermostat: Ensure that the thermostat is set to the desired temperature and is functioning correctly. Replace the batteries if necessary.
  • Check the power supply: Ensure the furnace receives power by checking the circuit breaker or fuse box.
  • Inspect the air filter: A clogged or dirty air filter can hinder airflow and cause the furnace to malfunction. Replace the filter if it appears dirty.
  • Check the gas supply: If you have a gas furnace, verify that the valve is open and the pilot light is lit.

Knowing When to Call a Professional

While troubleshooting common issues is helpful, there are instances where professional assistance is necessary. Consider the following signs that indicate it’s time to call a Calgary furnace repair specialist:

  • No heat: If your furnace is not producing any heat despite your troubleshooting efforts, it’s best to contact a professional. There may be underlying mechanical or electrical issues that require expert attention.
  • Strange noises: Unusual noises such as grinding, squealing, or banging sounds could signify mechanical problems within the furnace. Ignoring these noises may lead to further damage if left unaddressed.
  • Frequent cycling: If your furnace turns on and off frequently, it may be a sign of a malfunctioning thermostat, faulty wiring, or a more complex issue that requires professional diagnosis.
  • Gas odours: If you detect a strong smell in your home, evacuate immediately and contact your gas company or emergency services. Gas leaks are hazardous and require immediate attention.

Selecting a Reliable Furnace Repair Service

When it’s time to call a professional for furnace repair in Calgary, choosing a reliable and reputable service provider is important. Consider the following factors:

  • Experience and expertise: Look for a company with extensive experience in furnace repair and a team of certified technicians specializing in various furnace brands and models.
  • Licensing and insurance: Ensure that the company holds the necessary licenses and insurance to protect you and your property during the repair process.
  • Customer reviews and testimonials: Check online reviews and testimonials from previous customers to gauge the quality of service and customer satisfaction.
  • Emergency services availability: Furnace breakdowns can happen at any time. Look for a company that offers emergency repair services, especially during winter when heating is critical.

Regular Furnace Maintenance for Longevity

Prevention is key when it comes to furnace health. Regular furnace maintenance can help avoid breakdowns and extend the lifespan of your unit. Consider scheduling professional maintenance at least once a year. A certified technician will inspect and clean the furnace, ensuring it operates efficiently and identifying any potential issues before they become major problems.

Final Thoughts

In conclusion, don’t let a malfunctioning furnace freeze you in your tracks. With our troubleshooting tips, the know-how to recognize when it’s time to call in the pros and a reliable furnace repair service on your side, you’ll conquer any furnace conundrum that comes your way. Winter may throw its chilliest winds, but with the right guidance, your furnace will rise to the challenge and envelop you in a cozy cocoon of warmth. So bid farewell to frostbite fears and embrace the comfort a well-functioning furnace brings all year round. You’ve got this!

Maintaining clean and efficient furnace ducts is not only essential for ensuring a comfortable and healthy living environment, but it also plays a vital role in the overall performance of your HVAC system. However, homeowners may find themselves pondering a common and intriguing question: “Can I take on the task of cleaning my furnace ducts myself?” In this engaging and informative blog, we will delve into the pros and cons of DIY furnace duct cleaning, providing you with valuable insights and practical considerations to help you make an informed decision about tackling those furnace ducts all on your own. So, grab a cup of coffee, settle in, and let’s learn more! 

Understanding Furnace Duct Cleaning

Furnace duct cleaning in Calgary and other areas involves the removal of dust, debris, and contaminants from the ductwork that distributes heated or cooled air throughout your home. Over time, dirt and allergens can accumulate in the ducts, negatively impacting indoor air quality and the efficiency of your HVAC system. A professional furnace duct cleaning service typically includes using specialized equipment to clean the ducts and remove any buildup thoroughly.

Pros of DIY Calgary Furnace Duct Cleaning

  1. Cost Savings: One of the primary advantages of DIY furnace duct cleaning is the potential for significant cost savings. By opting to clean your ducts yourself, you can bypass the expense of hiring a professional service provider. Instead, you can allocate your budget towards purchasing basic cleaning supplies such as a vacuum cleaner, brushes, and microfiber cloths. These supplies are generally more affordable when compared to the cost of a professional cleaning service.
  2. Convenience and Flexibility: Cleaning your furnace ducts on your own allows you to choose a time that suits your schedule. You have the flexibility to work at your own pace and address specific areas or vents that require immediate attention.
  3. Familiarity with Your Home: As a homeowner, you have an intimate knowledge of your home’s layout and specific areas that may require extra cleaning attention. Cleaning the ducts yourself allows you to focus on problem areas that you are familiar with.

Cons of DIY Calgary Furnace Duct Cleaning

  1. Limited Equipment and Expertise: Professional duct cleaning services in Calgary use specialized equipment, such as high-powered vacuums and rotary brushes, designed to clean every nook and cranny of the ductwork thoroughly. DIY cleaning may not achieve the same level of cleanliness, potentially leaving behind hidden dust and debris.
  2. Health and Safety Risks: Furnace ducts can harbour various allergens, mould spores, and even pests. Cleaning ducts without proper protective gear and knowledge can expose you to these potential health hazards. Professional technicians are trained to handle such situations safely and effectively.
  3. Lack of Comprehensive Cleaning: Duct cleaning involves more than just cleaning the visible vents. It requires access to the entire ductwork system, including hard-to-reach areas. Without professional expertise and equipment, it is challenging to achieve a thorough and comprehensive cleaning.

The Middle Ground: DIY Maintenance, Professional Cleaning

While DIY furnace duct cleaning in Calgary can be a cost-effective option, it is essential to strike a balance between personal maintenance and professional cleaning. Here’s how:

  1. Regular Maintenance: Homeowners can take proactive steps to maintain clean ducts by regularly changing air filters, cleaning visible vents, and ensuring proper airflow within the home. These measures help minimize dust and debris buildup.
  2. Periodic Professional Cleaning: To ensure a deep and thorough clean, it is recommended to schedule professional furnace duct cleaning services every 3-5 years or more frequently if you have specific concerns such as pet dander, allergies, or a recent renovation.


Ultimately, deciding to clean your ducts yourself or hire a professional service depends on several factors, including budget, time availability, and the level of cleanliness desired. While DIY cleaning offers cost savings and convenience, it may not provide the same level of expertise, equipment, and comprehensive cleaning that only professional services can deliver. Striking a balance between personal maintenance and professional cleaning ensures optimal indoor air quality and the efficient operation of your heating and cooling system. If in doubt, consulting with a professional duct cleaning service in Calgary can help you make an informed decision tailored to your specific needs!