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5 Common Furnace Repairs

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With winter coming to an end, you should take the time out to give your furnace a once-over. Depending on what you might find, you could be forced to make repairs. If you do, these are some of the common ones you might face.

Five Of The Most Common Furnace Repairs In Calgary

  1. Clogged Or Dirty Filters
    Perhaps one of the most common reasons why furnaces don’t work as well as they should. Clogged or dirty filters block heat coming out, meaning you are wasting energy without any output. You can easily prevent this by getting furnace duct cleaning regularly.  
  2. Malfunctioning Thermostat
    While not considered a major repair issue, a malfunctioning or broken thermostat could cause problems. You should always check the thermostat before anything else. If you suspect that it could be the problem, you might require furnace repairs in Calgary to get it working again.
  3. The pilot light isn’t functioning
    If your thermostat is working and the right temperature is set, but you are still not getting any heat, the chances are that the pilot light isn’t working. The pilot light’s aim is to kick-start the flame and get the heat going. It is not a big deal because you will be able to get it repaired or replaced by Calgary heating company.
  4. The blower motor is not circulating well enough
    In some cases, the blower motor might be the issue with your furnace. If it is not working, no warm air is pushed throughout the home. In these situations, it will most likely have to be replaced.
  5. Natural wear and tear
    It goes without saying that over time furnaces go through natural wear and tear. They not might be running as well as they used to because they are passed their use by date. In these situations, when it is too damaged or too old to get repaired, you should look to get your furnace replaced.

Take Preventative Steps With Furnace Tune-Ups

The best way to avoid furnace repairs is to take the preventative steps of getting furnace tune-ups. A professional will take a deep in-depth look at your furnace and conduct any adjustments to ensure that you don’t need any major repairs or replacements to happen.

Horizon Heating is your go-to company for all of your furnace repair needs. We have been providing quality and affordable heating, air conditioning, and indoor air quality solutions to Albertans since 1988. If you have any questions or comments about installations or repairs for your furnace, we are here to help. Speak to one of our experts today.

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